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ワークの形状データからロボット動作プログラム自動生成。 対応OS:WINDOWS 7 64ビット ,WINDOWS 8. 設計したいデザインを図面に描くこと・・・。 現場の設計者がストレスフリーでCAD Toolの使い方に気をとられることなく思い通りに描くことができること・・・。 私たちは、そんな想いを込めて、MICRO CADAM(マイクロキャダム)の特徴である「使いやすさ」を追求し、現場のお客様の声に耳を傾けながら環境の変化に対応し、ものづくりに情熱をそそぐ設計者のニーズを数々反映してきています。.
対応OS:WINDOWS 7 32ビット ,WINDOWS 8. 発売以来、30年間で累積出荷本数は20万本を越え、初心者の方からヘビーユーザーの方まで、 スキルに応じた柔軟な製図機能を提供し続けています。専用オプションも豊富に用意。 対応OS:WINDOWS 7 64ビット ,WINDOWS 8. We do not recommend or support the use of onboard graphics found with some PC configurations. These do not generally have the capability to drive graphics intensive applications such as Mastercam and can lead to system instability.
Make sure you are using up-to-date drivers from your card manufacturer. We often see issues that are resolved with updated video drivers. The driver version can have a great impact on how the card performs.
We recommend using the automatic detect feature to detect which video card is installed. More information on configuring the graphics card can be found at this Mastercam knowledge base article. Most of our internal systems utilize dual monitors and we find this to be a more productive setup. Mastercam displays on the primary monitor while applications such as Mastercam Simulator, Code Expert, or Tool Manager display on the secondary monitor.
Mastercam will run on lower resolution screens but beware of potential sizing issues with larger dialog boxes and panels which may be awkward to work with. Lower resolution monitors may work fine as a second monitor in a dual screen setup. Mastercam will run on large format displays, including 4K monitors and high-DPI devices however, we do experience some display issues with these configurations.
We have found that one of the best computer upgrades is to invest in a NVMe drive. These drives are now priced at a point which makes them a good investment. Many of our test systems employ a smaller primary NVMe drive for the OS and installed applications with a second large capacity conventional drive for data.
A 3D mouse improves the way you interact with your 3D application. CODE-V CADfix ver. ANSYS Trend One Ver. GibbsCAM Ver. Simply Powerful」 をキャッチフレーズにした、簡単操作で使い勝手を重視した現場志向のソリッド CAM システムです。. Tebis 4. SpaceClaim FormingSuite WingEarth Ver. JRC 3D Reconstructor Ver3. ターゲット設置の時間が不要のため計測時間も大幅に短縮できる。。対応OS:WINDOWS 7 64ビット ,WINDOWS 8. Creo 5. ハイブリッドモデリングに特化した優れたパラメトリック CAD です。。対応OS:WINDOWS 7 64ビット ,WINDOWS 8.
NCGCAM ver. 対応OS:WINDOWS 7 32ビット ,WINDOWS 8. CAMPOST Ver. Hypermill SheetWorks Ver. Siemens NX 12 64ビット 日本語版 ベリカット vericut 8. NCGCAM Ver. 発売以来、30年間で累積出荷本数は20万本を越え、初心者の方からヘビーユーザーの方まで、 スキルに応じた柔軟な製図機能を提供し続けています。専用オプションも豊富に用意。 対応OS:WINDOWS 7 64ビット ,WINDOWS 8.
CamPost Ver. ソフトウェア開発の知識を必要とせず、NC加工技術者がポストプロセッサを開発できる環境を提供いたします。対応OS:WINDOWS 7 64ビット ,WINDOWS 8. Siemens NX GibbsCAM ver. Simply Powerful」 をキャッチフレーズにした、簡単操作で使い勝手を重視した現場志向のソリッド CAM システムです。対応OS:WINDOWS 7 64ビット ,WINDOWS 8. Moldflow insight IMOLD 13 SP4. Wingneo INFINITY 7. TOPSOLID V6.
The cloud icon in the second column indicates that the associated tool assembly has not been validated. If the tool assembly passes Mastercam's validation tests, you will see a green checkmark indicating that it can now be saved. If Mastercam detects problems with the tool, an icon will display indicating the severity of the problem. A red X indicates that there is a critical issue that must be resolved first.
A yellow exclamation mark indicates a non-critical warning. Use the hyperlink in the description field to review or edit the tool in question. The importer does not connect to a server process; instead, you import ZIP files containing your tool assemblies using the Open button.
Similar to importing with CoroPlus see "Importing with CoroPlus" on page 80 , all assemblies must be validated before they can be used in Mastercam. This includes improvements to the 2D, 3D, and Multiaxis suite of toolpaths. General Enhancements Listed below are enhancements that apply to Mill toolpaths in general, not just 2D or 3D toolpaths. Drill point sorting Sort by name has been added to the Drill Point Manager right-click menu. This allows you to reset the sort order to the original selection order or in the order you have named the drill points.
When the cutter moves through outside arcs, the perimeter of the cutter is moving through the material slower than the center of the tool, which results in a decreased chipload on the tool. Contour The following enhancements apply to the standard 2D Contour toolpath.
Chamfer tool offset In previous versions, you could only modify the Tip offset when chamfer milling, allowing you to control how far past the bottom chamfer rail the tip of the chamfer tool extends. Top offset places the full diameter of the chamfer tool at a specified distance above the top rail of the chamfer.
Bottom offset amount ensures the tip of the tool clears the bottom of the chamfer. Width has also been renamed to Chamfer width. You can also now enter 0. This allows you to chain the top or bottom rail of an existing chamfer and place the chamfer where you desire using the top or bottom offset value. Multi pass order In Mastercam , multi passes were only ordered By contour, meaning it completed one chain before moving on to the next.
In , you can now choose By contour or By pass on the Multi Passes page. By pass orders the multi passes by pass number. It will run the first multi pass on all contours, then the second multi pass on all contours, and so on.
Rough pass cut direction You can now control the cut direction of rough passes on the Multi Passes page. Select either One way or Zigzag. One way causes the rough multi 87 What's New in Mastercam — Mill Enhancements passes to behave as they did in past versions. Zigzag will alternate the cut direction between climb and conventional. Both options respect the Keep tool down option. These options allow you to order your cuts from top to bottom or from bottom to top.
By contour and By region machine each machining region to completion before moving to the next. In previous versions, you could only machine finish passes at all depths or at the final depth. Now you can add or remove finish cuts, based on the number of rough depth cuts specified on the Depth Cuts page. Add between creates a finish pass at all depth cuts and adds a specified amount of passes between depth cuts. For example, when set to 2, Mastercam adds two evenly spaced passes between depth cuts.
In the image 89 What's New in Mastercam — Mill Enhancements below, the red lines represent depth cuts and the blue lines represent multipass finish passes. Per number of adds a finish pass only at every specified depth cut. A multipass finish pass is always added to the last depth cut. When set to 2, Mastercam adds a finish pass only at every second depth cut, depicted by the blue and red lines together below. These new features are located on the Linking Parameters page.
For example, if the top of a feature should be cleared by a certain amount, you can enter a Clearance amount, select Associative, and then pick a point on the feature in the graphics window.
The Clearance plane will always be the specified incremental value above the point, even if the feature is moved. Set the Entry method to Plunge only on the Entry Motion page. This option allows you to plunge directly into material. Spring passes create additional finish passes along the same path as the last finish pass. In other words, use this option to create additional finish passes with a spacing of zero between the passes.
This can used for parts with thin material that may have flexed away from the tool during previous passes. The tool motion can now use the top, bottom, or both values of the stock. All of the linking parameters can be set to adapt to changing stock values. Undercut support Select Undercut undercut tool only when using an undercut tool to support tool compensation.
When a slot mill tool, with Undercut undercut tool only and Step up selected, there are the following changes: l l Stock to leave becomes inverted.
Break through becomes inverted. Select Tapered walls on the Depth Cuts page to angle depth cuts from the top of the stock to the final depth. Disable undercut tool support When you select an undercut tool, but do not want to machine the undercut area, select Detect undercuts on the Rough Parameters tab for Surface Rough Pocket and on the Finish contour parameters tab for Surface Finish Contour.
Detect undercuts disables undercutting when using an undercut tool. This option is only available when Contact is set to Tool assembly contact. Follow containment allows the tool to follow the containment boundary back to the start of the cut, creating clean closed passes.
This also helps to avoid partial cuts when a containment boundary was directly on top of a vertical surface. High speed workflow The workflow for all 3D High Speed toolpaths has been streamlined. You can now define which part geometry to machine and which geometry to avoid.
For each geometry group you create, you can also assign variable stock to leave values on its walls and floors. Use the Model Geometry page to create different types of geometry groups and define their attributes, such as color and the amount of stock to leave. All of the geometry selection options that were previously located on the Toolpath Type page have been removed and relocated to the Model Geometry page or the Toolpath Control page.
The Toolpath Control page also includes options that were previously located on the Tool Containment page, which has been removed. On this page, you 97 What's New in Mastercam — Mill Enhancements can further refine your toolpath by setting an Approximate start point, the Strategy, and other options.
Smoothing The high speed Hybrid toolpath now offers smoothing controls, similar to the Sharp corner smoothing options for the Finish Scallop toolpath.
Select Smoothing on the Cut Parameters page to enable these options. Blend distance is the distance Mastercam will back away from the sharp corners before and after.
Smoothing off Smoothing on Multiaxis Enhancements Listed below are enhancements made to the Multiaxis suite of toolpaths. Collision Control page The Collision Control page has been redesigned for The following list encompasses the changes made: l l l Strategies 3 and 4 have been moved to a new Additional Collision Control Strategies page.
Items on the Advanced Parameters page have been moved to the Collision Control page. The Tool Clearance page has been removed, and its parameters are now on the Collision Control page. Dropping Dropping has been added to the 3 to 5 axis toolpath. This option projects the 3 axis toolpath onto the selected surfaces, adjusting the tool vectors to be normal to the surface.
This distance specifies how far from the curve a tool axis control line can be and still affect the tool. Maintain tilt Maintain tilt keeps the tool tilted during retract and feed moves in an effort to reduce tool and machine motion. This option is available when Tool axis control is set to Fixed angle to axis on the Tool Axis Control page.
The images have been updated to better reflect the parameters, and a new Define Shape button has been added. Surface edge tolerance Surface edge tolerance has been improved, particularly when creating a Curve toolpath. If the curve lies on the edge of a trimmed surface or solid What's New in Mastercam — Mill Enhancements face, and the surface or solid face is used as the normal to control the tool axis, the toolpath will generate as expected.
Use this option to establish when chip breaks occur. Select the checkbox, and click Chip Break to open the dialog box.
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